Neo Rauch

German artist Neo Rauch.

Jochen Lempert

Jochen Lempert is a photographer with a background in biology. That shows in his work. Lempert’s images look like formal renderings of a man viewing the world with a scientifically formal gaze.

But Lempert’s images are a lesson in looking.

The picture is called Plastic Bag, yet you are looking at a transparent mushroom, or is it a jellyfish? A wall with 47 different species of  Great Auk (he wants to photograph all the species in the world) shows a scientific collection. You start looking at details you would not have observed. A close-up of a plant what could also be the plumage of a bird, or is it?

Maartje Bos

Maartje Bos is a Dutch artist. She lives in Alkmaar, Netherlands.

Bos makes minimanist sculptures, of stylized, seemingly simple forms and colors that radiate tranquility and balance.
Her sculptures are made from colored acrylic resin cast in molda of silicone.

La Princesse X – Brancusi
Equilibrium – Maartje Bos

With the series the Cock collection, Maartje Bos wants to express a masculine side from a femine perspective. The results are surprising fallistic forms, lovingly expressed in simple shape and soft colors.

Where her example Brancusi worked with natural colors of gold, wood, clay and stone, Maartje Bos uses modern materials and techniques of acrylics and polyesther. Brancusi’s stylized forms are reflected in a contemporary form in the sculptures of Maartje Bos. Even specific ideas such as Brancusi’s La Princesse X, Maartje has been able to translate in aunique way into her Cocks collection.