Ward Long

The intimate work of American photographer Ward Long.

Corita Kent

Corita Kent is one of these discoveries that make me a little ashamed of my ignorance. Quite unusual for an artist, she was a member of the Catholic order the Immaculate Heart of Mary. But her work is astonishingly modern. Her silkscreen prints (serigraphs) are wonderful.

red sea
luke 2.14, 51
bread and toast
news of the week
me must be turned upside down to become we


Still not sure what Beeple is. That is probably what makes it so great. I think this guy is pretty fantastic.

The images or super, the movies are freakin’ awesome, the everydays are exhausting so good!

MARIO 2020

Round 4: Cinema 4D

Lost Highway – David Lynch

Last week I watched David Lynch’ Lost Highway. Something really different, that opens up your mind with it’s weirdness. The story can’t be summarized. The images are somewhat hallucinating, dark and somewhat disturbing.

I thought it a great idea that such a movie could be produced in Hollywood, but then I read that a French company financed the film. Patricia Arquette is fantastic, the music is great too.

Patricia Arquette in Lost Highway
Bill Pullman and Patricia Arquette in Lost Highway

Maisy Summer

I can not remember where I found Maisy Summer, illustrator from the UK, but I love her work. Beautiful, playful drawings.