Jackie Brown, Elmore Leonard

Last night I watched Jackie Brown (on Netflix), a Tarantino movie.

Nice movie.

Robert De Niro plays a strange supporting role, a daft accomplice of arms dealer Samuel L. Jackson. I thought: the big De Niro playing such a non-descript character, that’s fantastic.

More thoughts.

I saw the movie was based on a book of Elmore Leonard, I writer I had never heard of, but I recently watch an interesting video about him. The role Samuel L. Jackson plays reminds me of his role in Kingsman: The Secret Service. A ruthless criminal shot in the climax of the movie. And then on comparing these stories: Jackie Brown is a way more interesting story than the flat action-movie story of Kingsman.


10 Questions for Douglas Coupland (video)

Yesterday I viewed this old video created probably when Douglas Coupland‘s book Generation-A appeared.

Coupland is lying on the sofa, and is interviewed by a female computer voice. The voice reminds me of the movie Her (which I started watching two times, but never managed to finish). The interview with Coupland is regularly interrupted for weird advertisements for Channel 3 (We Speak Your Language) and the drug SOLON CR (It’s me time). I only vaguely remembered the SOLON CR reference from the book; all I am sure about is that the book is about bees going extinct. But the Internet tells me my memory is correct. SOLON CR is a medicine prescribed“for the short-term treatment of psychological unease grounded in obsession in thinking about the near and distant feature.”