
Back to Nowhere – dirtyharrry

I received this great photo book yesterday. Back to Nowhere by dirtyharrry. The photobook is a twin book of ‘Warn’d in Vain’. Dirtyharrry aka Charalampos Kydonakis has a unique styles of photography. It might be an acquired taste, but a feast to me.

Also a great blog.

Karin Borghouts

Karin Borghouts is a photographer from Belgium.

Our complex world made simple. Something like that. Can’t express it differently.

Photography, design, thoughts on presence, conscious decisions, products

Got interested in design.Watched Objectified.

Afbeeldingsresultaat voor Objectified netflix

Thinking about design and photography and what is so attractive.To me that is the different way of observing the world.I am in my head most of the day, paying attention to the observable world around me. To people, yes, bit not to what the world looks like.Design and photography make me see the world totally differently.What it claims, is that looking at the world through the eyes of design could make the world better. In terms of quality of what humans produce, longevity, sustainability. But also in term of personal life.

Living with designed artifacts seems to improve your presence, make you more present when making buying decisions.


Ik liet al een filmpje van de Infinity Mirror Room zien, zoals nu te bekijken in Museum Terlinden. Imposant museum, met veel fris werk.

De lift van Maurizio Cattelan, Open Ended van Richard Serra, het zwembad van Leandro Erlich, Quartet van Steven Aalders.

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